Osgoode/FCO Certificate - Essentials

Essentials for Ombuds - Osgoode/FCO Certificate

The Essentials for Ombuds is a five-day intensive training collaboration between the Forum of Canadian Ombudsman and Osgoode Professional Development.

Program Dates: Fall Dates to Come
Venue: In-person Only

Fall Dates to Come

The authoritative course for today’s Ombuds and similar investigating and dispute resolution roles.

Now in its 13th year, this unique program, both comprehensive and in-depth, is intended to meet the needs of recent appointees to the Ombuds role or Office, as well as providing those with more experience an opportunity to become conversant with both the theory and practice of the Ombuds role, wherever it is located.

You will develop a deeper understanding of the requirements and expectations for Ombuds by exploring and examining the myriad of evolving issues and challenges facing those who practise in the Ombuds field today, and by reviewing best practices of Ombuds across the country.

What You’ll Learn

You will get practical tips and strategies on key areas including:

  • The initial handling of concerns and complaints
  • Effective early resolution techniques
  • Inquiries and investigations (gathering and assessing evidence, developing cooperative resolution techniques and preparing case summaries)
  • Trend analysis and own motion investigations
  • Choice of path – assessing the issues and possible paths
  • Dealing with human rights complaints against the Ombudsman and/or Ombudsman staff
  • Coping with difficult people: handling disrespect, anger or rage
  • Developing recommendations and appropriate remedies